Orderly Liquidations and Auctions


We offer both traditional and online liquidations and auctions.

An Orderly Liquidation is a controlled sale of assets where the seller normally has 90 to 180 days to sell their assets. This type of sale can optimize the return on high value equipment by finding the appropriate end-user utilizing strategic marketing designed by the Liquidation Company. The negotiated sale method still has the advantage of creating a sense of urgency to attract and motivate buyers. The key to successful sales is targeting the proper buyers and pricing the equipment to encourage aggressive buying. BL Enterprises, Inc. has expertise in all areas required, to insure a successful sale.

The Negotiated Sale offers a seller many advantages over traditional auctions:

  1. The ability to control the sales value of all the equipment
  • Where the product mix is too small (or limited) for an auction, an avenue to dispose of the equipment in a timely and cost effective manner
  • More time to optimize the sale of the equipment to end usersAn auction is a sale in which the seller has certain time specific deadlines to accomplish a liquidation of a large quantity of assets. This type of sale can render a complete running facility into a broom swept facility within 45 days. An auction is a sale consisting of several hundred line items and the purpose is to efficiently sell all the items in a timely and efficient manner.

    This type of sale has the advantage of creating an atmosphere of urgency to motivate prospective buyers to commit to purchase decisions in a very short time period. The upward price potential created by open and competitive bidding is an important feature of auctions, this factor helps the seller realize actual market value through small incremental price increases. The key to successful auctions is targeting the correct buyers and motivating them to attend the sale. BL Enterprises, Inc. has in excess of 15 years of experience in auction set-up, multi-media promotion, actual sales experience, checkout and collection experience.